If Your Baby is Breech

Babies will change positions in the uterus many times during the first 36 weeks of pregnancy. In the last few weeks the baby will move less as there is less room. By three to four weeks prior to the due date, most babies will move so their head is near the birth canal. If a baby does not move and the baby’s feet, buttocks or both are in place to come out first this is called breech position. This occurs in about three percent of full term births. Most breech babies are healthy, but they do have a higher risk for certain problems.

Breech position is more common when:

  • The woman has had more than one pregnancy
  • There is more than one fetus in the uterus
  • The uterus has too much or too little amniotic fluid
  • The uterus is not normal in shape or has abnormal growths like fibroids
  • The placenta partly or fully covers the opening of the cervix
  • The baby is preterm

Finding the Babies Position

Your health care provider can determine the babies position by placing their hands at certain points on the abdomen by the feel of the baby’s head, back and buttocks. Because babies may change position up until delivery they may not be able to tell for sure the baby has settled into breech position.

Ultrasound may also be used to confirm the baby’s position.

Can a Breech Presentation be Changed?

Your health care provider may try to turn the baby into a head-down position by using a technique called an external cephalic version.  This may be tried if you are at least 36 weeks along.

Your health care provider will use an ultrasound exam to determine the placement of the baby and view the baby during the turning. To do a version, the health care provider will place their hands at certain points on your abdomen and then push the baby in a head-down position. At all times your baby’s heartbeat will be monitored closed. If any problems arise during the version it will be stopped right away. More than half the attempts are successful.

Risks of a version include:

  • Rupture of membranes
  • Problems with the baby’s heart rate
  • Labor may begin
  • Placental abruption

Talk with your health care provider to determine if a version is an option for you.


Vaginal delivery of a breech baby carries more risk. Because the head is the largest and firmest part of the baby and during a breech birth it comes out last it may be harder to ease through the birth canal. There is also an increased risk of a prolapsed cord, when the umbilical cord slips through the cervix and comes into the birth canal before the baby. This can stop the flow of blood through the cord.

Cesarean delivery may pose less risk, but are still difficult. Cesarean delivery is major surgery that carries its own risk including:

  • Infection
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Problems from the pain medication

Cesarean deliveries are the best option for most women if the baby is breech.


Most breech babies are born healthy. Talk with your health care provider about your options for delivery if your baby is in the breech position as your due date arrives.

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