FAQs: Breastfeeding

FAQs: Breastfeeding

How do I know that I’ll make enough milk?

Milk production is based on a system of supply and demand. The more milk that is removed from your breasts, the more milk that you will make. It’s a simple system and it will work for almost all women. Most women will have everything they need to succeed already in their bodies, and as long as they put baby to breast frequently (8-12 times a day, about once every 2-3 hours), their milk supply should be just fine. There are rare conditions that can make it difficult to produce enough milk, so it is important to work with a lactation specialist and your baby’s doctor to ensure proper growth and weight gain.

Does my breast size matter for supply?

No, not at all! Women with breasts of all different sizes can successfully breastfeed. Remember, the more milk that is removed from your breasts, the more milk they will make! Small breasts can be great producers.

Is breast milk really better than formula?

Is filet mignon really better than a Big Mac?! Yes! Breast milk is nature’s perfect food for newborn babies. It contains everything your baby needs for the first six months of their life. It is full of nutrients, antibodies, and is much easier for babies to digest. Those antibodies keep breastfed babies healthy and the easy digestion cuts down on upset tummies.

I have to go back to work at 6 weeks. Is it even worth trying to breastfeed?

Absolutely! Any breast milk that your baby gets is better than none. The antibodies can provide much-needed immune protection if your baby will need to go to daycare. Even if you only breastfeed for 3 days, the health benefits for both you and your baby are worth it. And remember, as a breastfeeding mother, you are protected by federal law as to your right to pump your milk during breaks at work. Just because you are going back to work doesn’t mean you need to stop nursing! You can pump at work and give that milk to your childcare provider to feed to your baby while you are away. Pumping during the day and nursing at night can be a great solution to going back to work.

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